Big buttons and big text mobile phone ideal for Vision Impaired

Big buttons and big text mobile phone ideal for Vision Impaired


Easier to see with big buttons

Thoughtfully designed with a big screen, high contrast design, large icons and large text to make this the easy-to-use phone for your senior loved one who finds small text and links impossible.

For the vision impaired, BigPurplePhone has big buttons that have high contrast labels, big text and haptic pulse. 

Accessibility on regular phones often means when text is enlarged, usability is compromised. BigPurplePhone is designed bigger from the start.

yes Big text

yes Big buttons

yes AA Accessibility contrast

yes Simple design

yes Simple usability

yes Buttons look like buttons

One-task-at-a-time design

It also has VERY simple usability. We have designed each screen so there is one primary task, making the design intuitive.

Your Senior can video chat with you and all they have to do is click on one button to call you.

Predictability assists with understanding and usability. Back is always in the same place for example, navigation is consistent right throughout the phone.

Modern screen design is flat in style which looks clean but is hard to tell what is a button for many people. Our buttons are 3D.


We have thought of everything to make connecting with loved ones easy.





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