Say goodbye to scammers
BigPurplePhone has no spam, no scammers and no hoax callers or texts. It is one of the best features of our phones!

When you add any Contact to a BigPurplePhone, the Contact is added to your personal permitted callers list. Only the people you add to the BigPurplePhone are able to call or send a message to your Loved One. This is a feature of all our phones.
Is the Video Chat also free of scammers?
Yes, if you choose our SilverFox Edition this also extends to video calling. Other chat platforms such as WhatsApp and Telegram are rife with scammers, but with BigPurplePhone your senior is safe from those who aim to cause them harm.
How do Family and Friends access the Video Chat?
When you add a Contact through the Carer's Website, you are given the choice to send them an invite to join the BigPurplePhone Network too. Once they login to the Family & Friends website at they can also securely video chat with your Loved One .
What happens to someone if they call and are not on the Permitted Callers List?
They are treated like any other blocked caller and your Loved One will not be disturbed by them.
What if I have a doctor or other professional?
You can add friends, family, professionals - both landlines and mobiles - to your permitted callers list.
Can silent numbers call the BigPurplePhone?
Many scammers use silent numbers too. If your Contact has a silent number, add the silent number to the BigPurplePhone so they are a permitted caller. When they dial your Senior Loved One, the caller can enter the code to reveal the silent number. Dial 1832 (or *31# from a mobile) first and then call the BigPurplePhone. We recommend your Friend saves the BigPurplePhone phone number in their contacts with the code so it always works.