Carer's Website
When you buy a BigPurplePhone for your Loved One, we deliver the phone to them all set up, ready to use. Carers also get access to the BigPurplePhone Carer's Website.
Using the Carer's Website you can manage your loved one's BigPurplePhone remotely, and use it to communicate with them.
You can do the following activities on the BigPurplePhone Carer's Website.
- Video call your loved one
- Share, Like and comment on photos with your loved one
- Set up contacts for your loved one's phone
- Invite others to your BigPurplePhone Family&Friends secure network
- Nominate emergency contacts and other family admins for the account
- Set reminders for birthdays and anniversaries for your senior
- Set daily alarms and reminders for things such as taking medication
- Set their preferences for music, radio
- Enable apps such as email, web browser and government sites
- Upload their Vaccination certificate
- You can also turn on and off the features on your loved one's BigPurplePhone
To phone and SMS your loved one, you use your phone and SMS features on your smart phone as you would call or SMS anyone else.
BigPurplePhone Family & Friends Network
Setting up your Family & Friends network is easy and doesn't take too long. We recommend you have no more than 30 contacts in your BigPurplePhone so it is not overwhelming.
We have designed the contacts on the BigPurplePhone so that typing is minimised. Your loved one can tap or scroll through familiar faces when wanting to communicate. For this reason we ask you include a good quality photo of each contact.