Choose your BigPurplePhone
Whether you are looking for a simple phone to Talk&Text or the easy-to-use extra features on our SilverFox Edition we have the no spam, no scam calls phone to suit you!
BigPurplePhone Talk&Text
SHOP TALK&TEXT EDITIONBigPurplePhone Talk&Text is perfect for someone who needs a simple phone to simply make calls and send and receive text messages. No fandangle - just Talk&Text.
- Phone calls
- Text messages
- Option to speak a text message
- Extra large keyboard and dialpad
- SOS button
- Torch
- Camera and photo gallery
- Help button
- Secure Callers Contact List
BigPurplePhone SilverFox
SHOP SILVERFOX EDITIONAll the easy-to-use BigPurplePhone features PLUS our Carer's website with remote management of your BigPurplePhone, email, browser, limited web apps, secure family social network and one-click video calls. Share, comment and like photos, live local help button, SOS and more!
All the Talk&Text features plus:
- Video chat
- Email, browser, WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, Google Maps, and other managed apps (see full list)
- Remote manage for Carer
- Photo sharing and commenting
- Optional even larger icons
- Ability to turn off features
- Radio
- Music
- Medical reminders