You're invited!
Why have I received a BigPurplePhoneⓇ invitation?
You have been sent an invite so you can securely video chat, share photos and messages with a Senior Loved One using the BigPurplePhone app.
BigPurplePhone is secure from spam and phishing because it is a closed network. Some seniors are easily confused by unwanted calls (in fact, so are many people who aren't seniors!) so the BigPurplePhone is set up so only people in their secure Family & Friends' network can call them.

What is the BigPurplePhone app?
The BigPurplePhone app is a free app that can be downloaded on your phone so you can communicate safely and securely with a senior loved one on their BigPurplePhone.
Simply click on the personalised link provided in the SMS you have received to download the app. This will send you to our website where you can save the app to your homescreen on your mobile phone.
The app is pre-loaded so you can contact your Loved One. Your Loved One will then also see you in their contacts and can communicate with you through their BigPurplePhone.
What is the BigPurplePhone?
BigPurplePhone is a smartphone designed specifically for seniors who struggle with technology. When you video call them (or they call you) the process for them is very simple - just one click.
The BigPurplePhone is larger than a regular smartphone, and has large buttons and large text. It also has - as we like to call it - no fandangle features. Smartphones are often too complex, unreadable and difficult to use for those with age-related challenges. Often our seniors give up and can become isolated by technology. We created the BigPurplePhone to make communicating with family and friends easier for seniors.

What can I do on the BigPurplePhone app?
You can communicate with your Senior safely and securely via video chat and share photos, a little like your own social network. You can also message your senior and call them as you would normally on your phone, but for them the process is simpler using their BigPurplePhone with big buttons, big text and simpler functionality.
Is the BigPurplePhone safe for me to use?
Yes. It is an end-to-end video chat, photo sharing and messaging app between you and your loved one.
What do I do now to accept the invitation?
Go back to the SMS invitation you were sent from us, click on the peronalised link to download the BigPurplePhone Family&Friends App, complete your profile and get started.
What if I get two or more invitations?
Accept each invitation as they arrive and each senior will be added to your app.
One last thing...
When your Loved One uses their contact list, it is so much better for them if you upload a profile pic so they can see your face when they call you.
When you are added we assign a random avatar of you for your Senior to see when they call you, but a real photo is better. Please upload an image of yourself when you confirm your contact details in the app.