We don't recommend a BigPurplePhone this time

Based on the answers you gave us, we do not think a BigPurplePhone will be successful this time.

Circumstances where we don't recommend a BigPurplePhone include

  • Very late stage Dementia
  • Where the person using the phone is still banking, shopping and active online
  • Where SMS codes and messages from unknown numbers are sent to the phone
  • Where the person using the phone is not enthusiastic or ready for change
  • Signifiant weakness in hands
  • Significant vision impairment
  • Where video streaming and social media is required
  • Where the person using the phone is still quite active in the community getting calls from restaurants for example.

We are here to help, and want to see any phone purchase be successful. When it is not successful it can reduce confidence and so we try to help you make the best decision for the person you care for - or you!

If you would like to chat over your needs, please call us on (02) 9188 6998 and we will be happy to help.

Our two models and Accessories are below for you to browse in case you are still interested!

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